"Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society."
-Mark Twain

Friday, September 13, 2013

A Dead Blog

Well, a dead blog isn't very fashionable. I realize, now, that when I set out to write this I was writing more of a manifesto on certain topics to get my own mind in shape for what I needed to do with my own fashion. I accomplished that and kind of had no more reason to write, though time constraints and my other blogs were problematical, as well.

For those excited about men's fashion, I apologize. Perhaps I will get back to writing at some point. For now, though, for those with parallel interests in the arts, check out passionofopera.blogspot.com for reviews of opera, musings on classical voice, academic work about classical music, and more exciting, opera and classical voice related things.

For those interested in travel, my blog floatonawaywardwind.blogspot.com - previously A Sojourn in Vienna, has a journal of my experiences studying abroad in Vienna with IES for a term and will soon contain my experiences studying for a term at the Lawrence London Centre with FIE in London. It will then slowly morph into a travel blog once I am beyond those experiences.

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